
Saturday, June 18, 2011


A brief introduction for what probably won't be an active blog so much as a way to contact me if you have questions or need some advice with your little one. While I don't claim to be a know-it-all when it comes to children, I might be able to guide you to the right place to get your answer at the very least.

About me: I'm a mother of one that works full time. My little one is exclusively breast-fed (EBF), and I pump to supply him with milk while I'm not home. I'm still in the experimental stages of baby-wearing, as I haven't found anything but the ErgoBaby to use (which I love, but still want to find other things to use to help me get more done around the house!). I'm also a cloth diapering mama, and love talking about my little one's fluff!

I'm hoping to do baby-led weaning (BLW) with my little one, but that is an adventure that has yet to start.... coming up soon though! :)